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Runtime: 00:25:18 Video Size: 1.11 GiB Resolution: 1920×1080
Tenjou visits dominatrix Isis, her boyfriend is her client and she doesn’t like that, she asks Isis to please stop seeing him or she will ruin his life. Isis doesn’t tolerate that disrespect and fights with Tenjou, she throws her to the floor and after a few seconds of struggle, she manages to hold Tenjou between her legs and block her arms, she takes duct tape and ties her hands, Tenjou tries to escape but she can’t, Isis gags her with duct tape, giving her several turns, now Tenjou can only say mmmphh….
Isis takes big and strong adhesive tape, she starts to wrap Tenjou’s arms and body, so that he is bound and mummified, she does to Tenjou exactly the same thing she does to her boyfriend when she visits him, so that he knows the experience he lives. He ties her entire body up to her ankles and leaves her feet bare. Tenjou is completely mummified and Isis now has her under her control to do whatever she wants to her.
Isis takes a blue compressive tape, with it she covers Tenjou’s mouth and gag, giving several layers on top of the adhesive tape and also covers her eyes with it. Tenjou can neither speak nor see anything, only smell and breathe. Isis wants Tenjou to get a good memory and experience, just like her boyfriend, she puts her feet on his face and makes him smell them, – smell my feet good, then she also puts her ass on his nose, facesitting him.
Finally Isis wants to use Tenjou as a footrest, she is tired from the physical exertion and wants to have some quiet time, she sits on top of Tenjou’s mummified body and puts her feet on his face, right above his nose, so he has to smell every time he breathes. Isis quietly reads a book for a few minutes.
When she gets tired, before leaving, she gives Tenjou’s nose a few kisses and licks, to leave it moist, while she is out, Isis leaves the room, abandoning Tenjou, who remains bound and mummified without seeing anything, totally restrained and unable to do anything but relax and enjoy the session.
Tenjou visita a la dominatrix Isis, su novio es cliente suyo y no le gusta eso, le pide a Isis que por favor deje de verlo o le arruinara la vida. Isis no tolera esa falta de respeto y se pelea con Tenjou, la tira al suelo y después de unos segundos de lucha, consigue sujetar a Tenjou entre sus piernas y bloquearle los brazos, coge cinta adhesiva y le ata las manos, Tenjou intenta escapar pero no puede, Isis la amordaza con cinta adhesiva, dándole varias vueltas, ahora Tenjou solo puede decir mmmphh…
Isis coge cinta adhesiva grande y resistente, empieza a envolver los brazos y cuerpo de Tenjou, para que quede atado y momificado, le hace a Tenjou exactamente lo mismo que le hace a su novio cuando lo visita, para que sepa la experiencia que vive. Le ata el cuerpo entero hasta los tobillos y le deja los pies desnudos. Tenjou está completamente momificada y Isis ya la tiene bajo su control para hacerle lo que quiera.
Isis coge una cinta compresiva azul, con ella tapa la boca y mordaza de Tenjou, dando varias capas por encima de la cinta adhesiva y también le tapa los ojos con ella. Tenjou no puede ni hablar ni ver nada, solo oler y respirar. Isis quiere que Tenjou se lleve un buen recuerdo y experiencia, igual que a su novio, le pone los pies en la cara y se los hace oler, – huele bien mis pies, luego también pone su culo en su nariz, haciéndole un facesitting.
Finalmente Isis quiere usar a Tenjou como reposapies, está cansada del esfuerzo físico y quiere estar un tiempo tranquila, se sienta encima del cuerpo momificado de Tenjou y le pone los pies en la cara, justo encima de la nariz, para que tenga que oler cada vez que respire. Isis se pone tranquilamente a leer un libro durante unos minutos.
Cuando se cansa, antes de irse, le da unos besos y lametones a la nariz de Tenjou, para dejarla húmeda, mientras está fuera, Isis se va de la habitación, abandonando a Tenjou, que se queda atada y momificada sin ver nada, totalmente restringida y sin poder hacer nada más que relajarse y disfrutar de la sesión.