Bondage Kitties mistress feet femdom – Punishing my slave with my big feet

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Bondage Kitties  mistress feet femdom - Punishing my slave with my big feet. Starring  00000

Bondage Kitties  mistress feet femdom - Punishing my slave with my big feet. Starring  00001

Bondage Kitties  mistress feet femdom - Punishing my slave with my big feet. Starring  00002

Runtime: 00:31:53 Video Size: 1.25 GiB Resolution: 1920×1080


I came home after some intense roller skating. This humid weather makes me sweat hard. This heat it’s inhumane, but I love it, it makes my skin glow.  I roller skate to the salon and he is there, right where I left him, my slave, he is so faithful… We have a 24/7 relationship, he is mine, body and soul. 
I left him tied down and on the floor, hands  with a leather  armbinder and ankles with leather strap too. Ball gag as well. I love to see him in trouble… It’s time for his daily punishment. Today I want him to worship my feet… lick every sweat drop off his goddess foot, but I won’t make it easy…
I took my skates in front of his eyes, Oh! my socks are wet from all the sweat and stinky as well, he is gonna endure like he always does. I untied him but kept his muzzle, got a big ultra resistant tape and mummified his body step by step,  very tight, from the shoulders to the very tip of his toes. Put his whole body straight on the carpet and, that’s the place of a slave, on the floor, I sit on his chest, take the ball gag out and take both of my soggy socks. One goes to his nose, to smell. He moves his head, but with my legs I compelled him not to move and smell it well and nicely. I put the other one inside his mouth and secure it with several wraps of translucent tape, i wanna see the soggy sock inside his mouth…
Next step on my daily dose of pleasure. I took the gag out of his cute mouth, now it’s time for you to have the ultimate pleasure to taste the feet of your goddess. You will be able to clean it all with your lame tongue until there’s not a single drop of sweat on them. My slave licks so well… Every mistake he commits  he will make it up to me licking harder and slower, between my toes with his warm tongue, i want them clean… I am a goddess and I deserve to have the most polish feet. I am very demanding, with high standards, and now I want my whole 43 size foot into his mouth.
He spread it like never before, this is turning me on so much, bending his limits like never before, so uncomfortable on the floor, mummified and making everything on his will to make me happy… His eyes turn white from pleasure, I can feel how he struggles to breathe once and a while, and I love it… 
I’m so proud of my slave, he managed to satisfy me. This time I will have mercy, so I gagged him with the dirty socks I know he loves and some tape on his mouth. I place my feet on his face and tape them there. This is a fun end to a perfect evening. This way I will make no extra effort while I have some rest… 
Llego a mi casa después de dos horas patinando con este calor húmedo que me hace sudar tanto, entro con mis patines hasta el comedor y veo que él está allí donde lo deje, mi fiel esclavo con el que tengo una relación ama – esclavo 24/07. Atado de manos y pies en el suelo con un armbinder de cuero y amordazado con una ballgag, el se retuerce, veo en sus ojos que me suplica piedad. Es la hora de su castigo diario, hoy le toca adorar y lamer el sudor de los pies de su diosa, pero voy a ponérselo más difícil. 
Me quito mis patines delante de sus ojos, oh que apestosos y sábados están mis calcetines y mis pies, como va a sufrir. Lo desato pero lo mantengo amordazado, cojo un rollo enorme de cinta adhesiva ultraresistente y le momifico fuertemente su cuerpo, desde los hombros hasta los pies enteros. Lo pongo estirado en la alfombra, donde debe de estar un esclavo como el. Me siento encima de su pecho, le saco la ballgag y yo me quito los dos calcetines, uno se lo hago oler, el mueve su cabeza, pero con mis piernas se la agarró para que no pueda moverla, le meto un calcetín en la boca y el otro lo reservo, lo amordazo con cinta transparente y varias vueltas.
Cojo una silla, me siento justo a la altura de su cabeza para que mis pies queden perfectamente en su boca, le miro a los ojos desde arriba, sonrió, sabe que su castigo empieza ahora, cojo el otro calcetín sudado y sucio con mis pies, y se lo hago oler, lo restriego por su nariz para que cada respiración suya solo pueda oler mi dulce aroma del sudor que desprende mis pies, estoy unos largos minutos jugando con mis pies y restregando el calcetín, pellizcando con mis dedos de los pies su pequeña nariz y jugando con su respiración. 
I get a chair and sit in front of his head, my gorgeous and enormous feet are at the perfect height to be placed in his mouth, I look down to his eyes and smile at him, he knows me, he knows his punishment starts now, the excitement, the anticipation. I took the other sock using my bare feet, the one I used on his nose before, and I rub it on his face, he will sniff my dirty do this for several y sock, rub it well on his nose. The only thing he is allowed to breathe is my stinky smell. I do this for several minutes, pinching his nose with my toes, controlling the air, every time he breathes my smell is the only thing he is allowed to take in, I own him.
Toca pasar a la siguiente ronda del castigo, lo desamordazo por unos instantes, te toca lamer los pies de tu diosa y que los limpies con la lengua hasta que no quede ni una gota de sudor… Mi esclavo me lame los pies, cada error con su lengua tendrá que compensarlo lamiendo más lento y fuerte, entre medio de los dedos, tienen que quedar perfectos como la diosa que soy. Soy muy exigente y pido lo máximo, quiero meterle mi pie entero en su boca, le hago abrir la boca como nunca y le meto todo mi enorme pie número 43 hasta la garganta, sus ojos se van emblanquecido cada segundo que pasa sin poder respirar.
Estoy orgullosa de él, ha conseguido satisfacerme como un buen esclavo. Esta vez no irá a peor, soy buena con él, así que lo vuelvo a amordazar con los calcetines sucios y con cinta adhesiva alrededor de su boca. Pongo mis pies encima de su cara, y los ato a su cabeza con precinto, para que se queden las suelas de mis pies fijas en su cara. Ahora después de tanto esfuerzo, toca un merecido descanso para la diosa…