Bondage Kitties forced lezdom – Do you know Nereidas bastinado game – part 2

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Do you know Nereidas bastinado game - part 2 -  00001

Do you know Nereidas bastinado game - part 2 -  00000

Do you know Nereidas bastinado game - part 2 -  00002

Runtime: 00:27:22 Video Size: 1.20 GiB Resolution: 1920×1080


In this custom video:
Aly is with her friend Tenjou at her house, talking about gossip of her friends in common when Nereida arrives, her dominatrix, with whom she had arranged to meet and has stood up again, Nereida is very angry with her irresponsibility and wants to punish her submissive Aly and her friend. Nereida orders her submissive to hold Tenjou to tie her with white tape, Tenjou tries to resist, but Nereida gags her and ties her arms, between the two of them they mummify Tenjou completely, from her mouth to her ankles, leaving her bare feet, then Nereida does the same with her submissive Aly, she also mummifies her with gray tape and gags her completely, from her mouth to her ankles.
Once she has them mummified, she puts them together, they are stretched out on the sofa, with their bare feet on the table. Nereida has a game for both of them.
She takes out their games: a bamboo stick, a leather belt and a flogger, and explains the rules to them: I will give you 10 strokes on the soles of your feet with each object, each toy is a different round, whoever moves the most or squeals the most, loses the round, whoever loses will have a different punishment in each round. Who will lose each round and what punishment will they get?

Aly está con su amiga Tenjou en su casa, hablando de cotilleos de sus amigas en común cuando llega Nereida, su dominatrix, con la que había quedado y ha dejado plantada otra vez, Nereida está muy enfadada con su irresponsabilidad y quiere castigar a su sumisa Aly y su amiga. Nereida le ordena a su sumisa que sujete a Tenjou para atarla con cinta adhesiva blanca, Tenjou intenta resistirse, pero Nereida la amordaza y le ata los brazos, entre las dos momifican completamente a Tenjou, des de la boca hasta los tobillos, dejando los pies descalzos, luego Nereida hace lo mismo step-son su sumisa Aly, a ella con cinta gris, también la momifica y amordaza completamente, des de la boca hasta los tobillos. 
Una vez las tiene momificadas, las junta, están estiradas en el sofá, con los pies descalzos encima de la mesa. Nereida tiene un juego para las dos.
Saca sus juegos: una vara de bambú, un cinturón de cuero y un flogger, y les explica las normas: os daré 10 golpes en las suelas de los pies con cada objeto, cada juguete es una ronda diferente, quien se mueva más o chille más, pierde la ronda, quien pierda tendrá un castigo diferente en cada ronda.
¿Quién perderá cada ronda y qué castigo tendrá?